Submit a Self Inspection Report

One consequence of the crisis in Flint, Michigan is that it elevated public awareness that a substantial number of service lines connecting individual homes and businesses to public water systems may contain lead components. This means that even if the water source and transmission lines do not contain lead, the water could become contaminated prior to consumption. To address this public health issue, the Environmental Protection Agency announced that every Public water system in the country has to develop a service line inventory by October 2024.

OCE is one of the major providers of service line inventories in the State of Vermont, and if you are here, we are likely creating the inventory in your Town. OCE is following a two-phase approach to complete these inventories. In the first phase, OCE conducts an initial data collection from historical sources and then conducts on-site investigations to determine the materials utilized in each service line connection.

Below you can learn more about the staff assigned to this project, and you can easily schedule an appointment at the top of the page!

Lead Service Line Staff and Technicians

Robert M. Clark, P.E.
Robert M. Clark, P.E.Principal Engineer
Robert is the Engineer of Record for OCE’s service line inventories.
Matthew Durst
Matthew DurstGIS Specialist
Matt manages all data collection and coordinates our technicians related to the basement survey and other on-the-ground data collection. Click on the icons above to email or call Matt with questions or concerns you may have!
Jeff Mangini
Jeff ManginiSenior Engineering Technician
Jeff is a lead on-site technician and record researcher.
Cathy Foutch
Cathy FoutchService Line Technician
Cathy will assist in on-site observations and historical research.
Nathan Claessens, E.I.
Nathan Claessens, E.I.Service Line Technician
Nathan will assist with on-site observations and historical research.