Project Description

The Town of Starksboro sought to replace an existing, metal culvert beneath Ben Roberts Road (TH#12) that was destroyed during intense rains which eroded material around the culvert and created a depression in the roadway.  OCE designed a replacement culvert that met both the hydraulic capacity and aquatic organism passage requirements of the State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. OCE assisted with the obtaining of both temporary and permanent easements required to complete the project. OCE also prepared a State of Vermont Stream Alteration Permit as well as an Army Corps of Engineers Category I General Permit. OCE provided topographic survey and base mapping services and then produced a preliminary design in line with VTrans’ hydraulic sizing of the culvert. After reviewing these with the Town, OCE prepared a final design and utilized these plans and drawings to provide bid and construction phase services for the project. The project is notable for the limited access to the project area and steep/constricted stream channel that required an extra level of care and precision in the design and construction of the culvert.